Hi! I used all of my sparetime last night turning my appartment upside-down... I went to bed at 4 in the night without finding the schemes.. Bummer! But this morning at last, I found the 2+ description, and the clock-chip upgrades. The 2+ upgrade only has a small description. But the 738 must have all the msx2 upgrades first, and the most is already done there. This is the MSX2 upgrade: replace the vram remove diskrom and basic rom disconnect ic51, pin one on the backside of the print Disconnect IC45 pin 13 --> ic35 pin 40 Disconnect IC63 pin 14 ------------------------------------------ Connect IC 35 pin 40 -> ic 44 pin 9 Connect IC 63 pin 10 -> ic 44 pin 10 Connect IC 45 pin 13 -> ic 44 pin 8 Connect IC 63 pin 14 -> ic 63 pin 8 Connect IC 51 pin 1 -> ic 35 pin 40 ------------------------------------------ Insert eprom Gilvad writes about the msx2+ upgrade - Insert the 2+ Eprom in socket for IC 51 - Disconnect IC51 pin 1 from the print - IC51 pin 1 --> IC44 pin 10 --> IC35 pin 40 - IC44 pin 9 --> IC63 pin 6 - IC44 pin 8 --> IC45 pin 13 - Disconnect IC45 pin 13 from the print The paper also has this info from Tor Spigseth: - IC37 pin 4 --> Ground - IC37 pin 27 --> Ground - IC37 pin 21 --> +5V - IC37 pin 58 --> +5V IC37 is ofcourse the VDP I hope this is all! I`ll check with my own 2+. Dan Derpaux